尋找 Java
此模組會尋找是否已安裝 Java,並決定標頭檔和程式庫的位置。呼叫者可以設定變數 JAVA_HOME
來明確指定 Java 安裝前綴。
另請參閱 FindJNI
模組以尋找 Java 原生介面 (JNI)。
新增於 3.10 版本: 新增對 Java 9+ 版本解析的支援。
Runtime = Java Runtime Environment used to execute Java byte-compiled applications
Development = Development tools (java, javac, javah, jar and javadoc), includes Runtime component
IdlJ = Interface Description Language (IDL) to Java compiler
JarSigner = Signer and verifier tool for Java Archive (JAR) files
Java_JAVA_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java runtime
Java_JAVAC_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java compiler
Java_JAVAH_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java header generator
Java_JAVADOC_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java documentation generator
Java_IDLJ_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java idl compiler
Java_JAR_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java archiver
Java_JARSIGNER_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java jar signer
Java_VERSION_STRING = Version of java found, eg. 1.6.0_12
Java_VERSION_MAJOR = The major version of the package found.
Java_VERSION_MINOR = The minor version of the package found.
Java_VERSION_PATCH = The patch version of the package found.
Java_VERSION_TWEAK = The tweak version of the package found (after '_')
Java_VERSION = This is set to: $major[.$minor[.$patch[.$tweak]]]
新增於 3.4 版本: 新增 Java_IDLJ_EXECUTABLE
可以使用 find_package()
語法指定所需的最低 Java 版本,例如
find_package(Java 1.8)
注意: ${Java_VERSION}
並不保證完全相同。例如,某些 Java 版本可能會回傳: Java_VERSION_STRING = 1.8.0_17
和 Java_VERSION =
另一個例子是 Java OEM,其回傳: Java_VERSION_STRING = 1.8.0-oem
和 Java_VERSION = 1.8.0
Java_FOUND - TRUE if all components are found.
Java_<component>_FOUND - TRUE if <component> is found.
find_package(Java 1.8 REQUIRED)
find_package(Java COMPONENTS Runtime)
find_package(Java COMPONENTS Development)